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Magnet Culture in Nursing Jobs

Magnet Recgonized

Magnet Culture In Nursing Jobs

There are solid reasons why nurses are frequently referred to as the backbone of the healthcare system. At more than 3 million strong, nursing jobs make up the largest profession within the U.S. healthcare industry; but they also shoulder the majority of direct patient care responsibilities in our nation’s hospitals.

That’s why the quality of patient care in hospitals is often linked to the quality of their nursing care.

Nursing Jobs with Magnet Culture are more desirable

The American Nurses Credentialing Center recognizes the vital contributions of nurses to superior patient care. It’s the Magnet program, considered the gold standard for nursing care, that represents the most prestigious international distinction a healthcare organization can achieve for excellence in nursing practice. Only 7% of American hospitals have achieved the Magnet designation. Eisenhower Medical Center is proud to be one of them.

It’s not easy to gain the highly regarded Magnet designation. Hospitals and other healthcare organizations must complete a rigorous, multifaceted evaluation process that includes extensive documentation, on-site evaluations, and interviews with physicians and other hospital staff, as well as patients. Magnet-designated hospitals must meet quality indicators and demonstrate an unwavering commitment to meet standards of nursing practice.

Strong support of professional nursing practice leads to a Magnet culture, or an environment that allows nurses to ensure patient safety and achieve positive patient outcomes through leadership, problem-solving, and innovation. At Eisenhower Medical Center, our Magnet culture encourages nurses to flourish as clinical professionals. We focus on creating professional autonomy among our nursing teams and recognize our nurses’ responsibility for setting — and meeting — a high bar for excellent patient care.

Nursing jobs aren’t just run-of-the-mill jobs at Eisenhower Medical Center. When you work in our Magnet culture, you’ll focus on improving patient outcomes while having opportunities to expand your professional growth and leadership. You’ll find a satisfying work experience that focuses on high-level, evidenced-based nursing practice. You’ll contribute directly to meeting the standard by which our hospital is measured — positive outcomes and the satisfaction of our patients.

The Benefits of Magnet Culture

Studies have shown that a Magnet culture, like ours, leads to:

  • Better patient outcomes
  • Lower mortality rate
  • Increased patient satisfaction
  • Shorter lengths of stay

Achieving and maintaining the Magnet designation is hard work, for our organization and mostly for our nurses, but it’s an investment to which we at Eisenhower Medical Center could not be more dedicated. We’re proud to support the career development of our nurses and to recognize their excellence in delivering the highest-quality patient care.

Nursing jobs are challenging. As a nurse at Eisenhower Medical Center, we’ll have your best interests in mind as we support you in your daily practice. We’re committed to giving the nurses who work with us every opportunity to balance their work and family lives, minimize the stress of their jobs, avoid burnout, and grow through continuing education and other educational activities. We won’t waver from our pledge to help Eisenhower nurses become the very best professional practitioners they can be.

Originally posted on 8/9/2016

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